Virgin Valley Chapter - Mesquite, Nevada - NSSDAR
~ Daughters of the American Revolution~

What is the DAR?
The DAR is a nonprofit, nonpolitical women's volunteer service organization founded in 1890, dedicated to promoting Patriotism, preserving American History, and securing America's future through better Education. Established in Mesquite, NV, the Virgin Valley Chapter was established in 2020 by a small group of service-oriented women. We strive to open doors and help women of all backgrounds to discover the stories and people of their past.

Historic Preservation
Preserving the Past

Serving the Present

Educating the Future

Regent's Message
I am honored to be serving as the 3rd Regent of the Virgin Valley Daughters of the American Revolution (VVDAR) for the next two years. It is inspiring to be in a service organization with women so dedicated to Patriotism, Education and Historical Preservation.
July 4, 2024, marked the two-year countdown to America’s 250th birthday, the country’s semi-quincentennial! I would like to share a short story from my childhood, it was 1976, the year of America’s Bicentennial. As I’m sure many recall there were celebrations nationwide. I can remember the parade, people dressed in colonial attire, and of course the fireworks! What many citizens do not realize is that in two short years America will be celebrating 250 years as an independent nation. With this monumental event around the corner, it is a personal goal of mine to promote public awareness in Mesquite and around the State of Nevada, so that children today can look back in 50 years and feel proud to have been part of this historic and commemorative celebration. The U.S. Semi-quincentennial Commission was formed to recognize and celebrate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Freedom, flags and fireworks will resonate throughout our local communities and the nation. In preparing for this event, we can take time and reflect on and honor our forefathers that fought for the freedom of these United States, risking their lives and their fortunes. America250.org is a nonpartisan commission working to engage Americans in commemorating the 250th anniversary of the United States of America. Nevada is onboard with America 250, and the NV State Society DAR will be represented and participating in the state’s efforts. This commission offers an opportunity to celebrate our nation’s history and look toward the future we want to create for generations to come.
The three pillars of the National Society of the DAR are: Historic Preservation, Education and Patriotism. Over the next two years I anticipate many opportunities within our communities to participate in all three.
In DAR Service and Friendship,
Leigh Roessner

Events and Projects

Monthly Vet Chats
On the 3rd Wednesday of each month, members of the VVDAR meet at Mesa Valley Estates to "chat" with Veterans. We usually meet at 10:30am and a wide range of topics are discussed from where they served to what they ate overseas. Resident Veterans have even helped our Chapter with making decorations for events.

Little Free Library
The VVDAR Little Free Library (LFL) is located outside the Mesquite Fine Art Center. Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to be a catalyst for building community, inspiring readers. and expanding free book access. Stop by and find something great to read for both children and adults. We welcome your donations of gently read books to include in our LFL.

Bells Across America
This is the 3rd year that Constitution Week has been proclaimed for the City of Mesquite by Mayor Al Litman. Constitution Week kicks off with Bells Across America at Veteran's Memorial Park starting on September 17, 2024, at 12:15pm. There will be a 45 minute patriotic program including Jeffery McKenna, our special guest speaker and author of Saving Dr. Warren... "A True Patriot".
At precisely 1pm PST, 4pm EST (in Philadelphia where the Constitution was signed), bells will ring throughout Mesquite and the Nation!
We always welcome and appreciate Sponsors, Donations and Volunteers at our Events. Contact Us.

Virgin Valley DAR and the Mesquite Poker Boys present:
The 5th Annual Veterans Party - A Country Western Jamboree
November 9, 2024
Virgin River Event Tent
Come join us for live music, western buffet, raffles and auctions as we pay tribute to our Veterans and raise funds for the Mesquite Veterans Center.

America 250!
The America 250 Commission was established by Congress in 2016 to plan and orchestrate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. National Society has established the America 250! Much like the Bicentennial celebration of 1976, this observance provides an exceptional opportunity for community involvement. DAR chapters will work to leave a lasting impact on their communities through meaningful local projects and events during this anniversary. Stay tuned as the development of this extraordinary celebration progresses, we will be posting updates.